
Analytics Companion App

Track sales, inventory, and key metrics in real-time at your fingertips.

KPI’s at your fingertips

Sales, Margin and Tax Reporting

Access key business analytics anytime. Compare sales, costs, and margins daily, weekly, or monthly. Analyze inventory performance by category and product. Retail math made simple.

Inventory Trends and Preferences

Insight into your product makeup to identify fast movers to ensure ample stock to meet demand and trending product groups.

Key Customer Activity

See customer sales information, down to the items purchased. Actionable data to see trends or to even approach customers while still in store.

  • Real-Time Sales & Tailored Stock Insights

    Real-Time Sales & Tailored Stock Insights Real-Time Sales & Tailored Stock Insights
  • Real-Time Sales & Tailored Stock Insights

    Get full control with real-time updates, sales insights, and strategic inventory management for better decisions and customer satisfaction.

    Access real-time business updates 24/7—always stay informed, even when you're away.
    Instantly view hourly sales trends to understand customer flow and optimize employee management.
    Stock products that attract your customers, ensuring they return again and again.
    Book a demo
  • Full Business Performance Insights on your Phone

    Full Business Performance Insights on your Phone Full Business Performance Insights on your Phone
  • Full Business Performance Insights on your Phone

    Get real-time business analytics on sales, inventory, and customer metrics, anytime, anywhere.

    Immediate Alerts: Receive instant notifications of poor ratings to address customer concerns before they escalate.
    Top Seller Insights: View top-selling products by item, department, category, and subcategory.
    Comprehensive Analytics: Access sales, customer, and inventory insights anytime, directly from your phone.
    Book a demo
  • Alerts and Deep Insights

    Alerts and Deep Insights Alerts and Deep Insights
  • Alerts and Deep Insights

    Get real-time alerts, track product performance, and access full analytics for informed decisions—all from your mobile device

    Real-Time Alerts: Stay updated with instant notifications on your mobile device.
    Customer Happiness Score: Monitor customer satisfaction directly from your phone.
    Comprehensive Analytics: Access detailed business insights anytime, anywhere.
    Book a demo

Frequently asked questions

Discover how our products can boost your revenue and drive business growth. Click here to unlock your potential!

Know more

retailcloud is a cloud-based, payment processor-agnostic, and hardware-agnostic POS solution, offering flexibility and scalability without per usage charges for core solutions.

Yes, retailcloud is hardware agnostic, meaning it works with most hardware. However, we also offer certified hardware to ensure optimal performance and support.

retailcloud primarily serves the Retail, Sports, and Hospitality industries, with specialized solutions for stadiums, music festivals, special events, and more

retailcloud has been providing reliable POS solutions for around 15 years, supporting thousands of customers in various industries.

Yes, retailcloud can manage an unlimited number of SKUs and products, making it suitable for both small businesses and large enterprises.

retailcloud is payment processor agnostic, allowing you to choose the payment processor that best suits your business needs without restrictions.

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