“If there was ever a time for brands and businesses to integrate services across numerous digital platforms (touchpoints) to better satisfy customers’ constantly-changing wants and demands, it is now.”

The world of eCommerce is changing. You might even say that it has lost its head!

Understanding Headless Commerce Platforms

The Head (frontend)

When a client opens an app or a web runner, engages with an audio voice adjunct, an AR or VR operation, a chatbot, or indeed a game, he’s interacting with the head aka the UI ( stoner interface). The specific system of commerce is inapplicable, as what matters for businesses and brands are the platform guests use to interact with your service and the need for a head in each platform out there.

The Body (backend)

Computing needs to be done in the background along with, data analysis, and data arrangements and, principally, that’s what the body does. As the functional subcaste of the digital service being rendered, it manages the data ( storehouse and processing). Guests don’t get to interact with the body, because it stays inaccessible

The Neck (API)

The Neck (API, application programming interface) serves as the link between what the client sees and interacts with and the data the business or brand gets and organizes in the backend. In other words, the neck is the multi-platform processor acclimatized to help process data between the frontend and backend quickly.

Why Headless & Why Now?

Similar to how slow service often results in poor restaurant reviews and fewer future customers when a customer sits down to eat at a restaurant, slow site speed can lead to poor search engine rankings, lower overall site traffic, and negative user experiences.

Site Load Speed Matters!!

Here is a look at how site speed affects conversion rates;

According to a study conducted by Google/Deloitte; Improving your load time by 0.1s, boosts conversion rates by 8%

Another survey by bytes.co clearly says 56% of customers abandon websites that take more than 3 seconds to load 


20% users will never return to a website after a bad load time experience

Yet one more hammer on the nail was when amazon came up with a stunning piece of statistic that said A slow down of just 1 second of amazon.com would cost $1.6 billion in sales each year


The switch to headless commerce is critical for brands, and here are 3 reasons why:

  1. To achieve true omnichannel excellence

First and foremost, a headless content management system will assist you in getting your content to where it needs to go. For an eCommerce business, this means delivering your products, product videos, and blog posts to any new or emerging channel.

Prepare to sell through Alexa Skills, digital signage, progressive web apps, and even touchscreens in our vehicles!

The best part is that you don’t have to re-architect your platform to publish across channels if you use a natively headless commerce platform like Core dna. It’s all part of the same comprehensive, future-proof package.

  1. To Remain Competitive

Every few weeks, major commerce brands that use a traditional platform release an update. In comparison to Amazon, which deploys updates every 11.7 seconds on average, they reduce both the number and duration of outages.

You can deploy rapid updates without affecting your back-end system with a headless commerce platform. And you can easily adapt your front-end to keep up with the rapid pace of consumer technology.

When a front-end system is loosely coupled with the back-end, you don’t have to update the entire system; only a portion of it needs to be updated. As a result, you’ll be able to deliver what your customers want faster while still remaining competitive.

  1. For a much better Conversion Rate Optimization

You can experiment with different templates and approaches once you have a headless commerce system in place. For example, while running the same front-end search, you could try out a different back-end search solution.

As a result, headless commerce enables you to run continuous tests and optimization cycles, allowing you to gain a better understanding of your customers while learning at a faster rate than most retailers.


To sum up, headless commerce is the way of the future, and getting on board is the best option for brands and businesses.


Is mobile an effective sales channel for retail?

Given that Forrester states consumers have spent $60 billion from mobile phones in 2016 alone and have influenced over $1 trillion dollars in brick and mortar sales, that question may have to be marked “Answered and Resolved!”

No doubt you have seen the various posts on the demise of bricks and mortar retail over the past few months; however, there are some conflicting stats.  Accenture surveyed nearly 10,000 consumers and found that while social media is the most preferred method of purchasing for millennials and post millennials, for 77% of them, bricks and mortar were preferred.

This being a generation that has spent their entire life depending on smartphones, its inevitable that devices play a key role in finding product, comparing prices, looking for reviews and promotions; so let’s look at the top things they are doing on their devices

Where brick and mortar retail excels is in its ability to provide superior brand engagement to consumers – there is a personal authentic experience that cannot be replicated in online sales; however, giving consumers transparency to the inventory and experience from their mobile devices is a key component of this process.

Gen Z consumers are typically looking to start the shopping experience before they even walk into the store, they want a high level of engagement on the store floor but a frictionless easy checkout process. Ideally, surveys show most of them would prefer checkout directly from the devices (Amazon & Walmart are already making inroads in this capability).

While online will continue to grow, I believe that traditional brick and mortars refusal to provide their consumers a mobile interaction channel is really what will ultimately be more of a detriment than the online boom. What their customers want is the ability to provide a high engagement experience that incorporates the online and offline experience in one seamless process. Mobile will continue to be the key in enabling that process


That is an amazing statistic, online marketing accounts for 8% of total retail sales while still driving online commerce companies like Amazon to a market cap of close to 400 billion only behind Apple, Google, Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway.

Technology is the what is driving this change, there is nothing quite like having a supercomputer in the palm of your hand to empower you to connect to any retailer or to find the product you are looking for. Anywhere and Anytime!

While Amazon and large retailers have had a jump start, technology has even the playing field for small retailers; they now have a chance to allow consumers to discover their product and offer the same global access to these products.

However global access is not the only or even the primary reason to get online, Millennials have expressed a clear desire to get back in stores, they want access to store data and availabilities on their phones, technology drives their entire shopping experience. To compete for the spending dollars of this fast growing segment you have to be where they are making decisions

Everyone loves lists; so here is my list of the Top 4 reasons you should have an online presence;

Product near me searches

This is one of the fastest growing type of searches. Looking for shoes, just type in shoe stores near me in a chrome browser and see where consumers are being driven to? Try it yourself, when the local listings come up which one are you likely to click on, the ones that show address and phone number or the ones that have product websites.

Insight into Inventory

Consumers can very easily see what product you carry and what is available in your stores.  With easy search capabilities they can search for any product based on their size or see all color style and size choices available for pick up today in your store.

Convenience of Purchase & Returns

Connecting your online store to your brick and mortar makes it easy to buy or exchange product from anyplace.  Connected commerce allows you to easily grow not only to an online store but to easily support and integrate all the new distribution options available in social media commerce. Remember you have to be able to show your product where consumers are buying it.

Ease of Implementation

Deploying a web store and connecting it to your physical inventory is no longer complicated,  a few simple clicks and you are up and running. For example the retailcloud web store product can deploy an online store that is fully integrated into your customer lists and inventory within a few minutes; using the launch email feature you can also trigger an email to everyone in your database telling them about the store; convenient, connected and simple. It’s why online shopping is only just scratching the surface.

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