
Shutdown!  Now What?  What you can do to help

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March 18, 2020

No one is unaffected by the impact of the COVID-19 slowdown/shutdown. We are all in this together to make it through financially, physically and emotionally. Small businesses are hit particularly hard. With small businesses accounting for employing over 48% of all workers, the shutdown has the bigger impact on this group. 

The following are ways for small businesses to help weather the crisis as well as ways that consumers can pitch in and help

What businesses can do to keep sales flowing and revenue generating

  • Be available to your customers online

Offer online sales through your website, Facebook Store and Instagram Store. If you have one or more social media profiles, start posting.  Take photos of products, videos of the store or update posts and get your information out there and let your customers know you are still active and how they can purchase from you.

  • Offer Gift Cards

Offering gift cards allow your customers to support your business by providing much needed cash now and continued support for the future. 

  • Use video conferencing to talk to customers while respecting social distancing

If you have the ability to use a video conferencing software, do so.  You can connect and sell to customers via webcam and ship directly to their home.

What Consumers can do

  • Buy Gift Cards

Buy now to use later or better yet, buy a gift card to give as a gift to a person who is working extra hard during this time, such as a health care worker, grocery store clerk or is in emergency services 

  • Shop online or by phone

Call your favorite stores to see if they are taking phone orders or purchase online to support your favorite business.  This will help them and you get cool new stuff.

  • Order Take Out or online

Many restaurants are now offering deliveries or pick ups.  Call your favorite restaurant to see what your options are or order from them online

  • Tip Extra

People are still working, so tipping extra will not only help them financially but also boost their morale.  They are working extra hard and this will show your appreciation to them.

  • Promote online sellers

Do you have a social media account?  Reblog, retweet, or send out props to your favorite stores to give them a boost.  Liking, commenting and reblogging will help get them noticed.

  • If you have a membership but can’t use it.  Keep it

Consider this as a donation at this time.  It will help the business during a time of little to no income.  You can help them out by not rushing to cancel and keep it open so it will be ready as soon as you’re able to go back.

  • Support local food banks/pantries

Donate what you can to local food banks and pantries to help your neighborhood. Give as much as you can to help those that have little to nothing.

  • Call stores and ask about crowdsourcing

Call your favorite store to see if there is anything you can do to help.  There are some small businesses that have crowdsourcing where you can directly donate to help them and their employees.  It never hurts to ask how you can help.

During this trying time, let’s take the time to help out our neighbors and local businesses.  A little extra care now will help with recovery once we are back to our everyday lives.

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